Online world#
In my private life I had nagged my parents for online access since the early 1995s and met with little understanding. Hard to imagine today, the Internet did not have the universal meaning it has today. Various online services competed for supremacy, first and foremost CompuServe™, then later AOL™, and with Windows 95™ Microsoft tried to establish its own MSN service.

Fig. 44 My first links to the world: Elsa Microlink 28.8 TQV. No Internet yet, just the good old “Blackbox” BBS#
In the end, however, my persistence was successful: My first modem was an ELSA MicroLink 28.8 TQV, a top device at the time. With this I took my first online strolls, at that time mainly in Bulletin Board Services (BBS)*, especially the “Blackbox” BBS. This BBS could be accessed very comfortably with a special client (“FirstClass”). Later I got my first internet access through a small provider called X-Point.