Links & Resources#
London Adventure BBC Disc Image Displayer Elektronik einfach und leicht verständlich
gitchangelog: Creates a changelog from git log history
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Defending your rights in the digital world
Programming: C#
Programming: RegExp#
RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test Regular Expressions
Programming: Python#
Programming: Bash#
Tech Equipment#
Linux Hardware Reviews, Open-Source Benchmarks & Linux Performance - Phoronix
TEX Electronics Makers of the Shinobi Keyboard
Framework Makers of the modular laptop
CandyKeys Online Store | Mechanical Keyboards, Keycaps & Components | Candykeys
IT News#
7-Tage-News | heise online
OMG! Ubuntu! - Ubuntu Linux News, Apps and Reviews IT-News für Profis
Linux and Free Software#
Ubuntu Wiki (community-edited website)
Make a Support Request to the Ubuntu Community
Emacs & Org Mode#
Pragmatic Emacs: Practical tips for everyday emacs
sprig/org-capture-extension: A Chrome and firefox extension facilitating org-capture in emacs
alphapapa/unpackaged.el: A collection of useful Emacs Lisp code that isn’t substantial enough to be packaged
How to Quickly Change Beamer Colors – Rambling Academic