Wrist Watches in the Medical Field

Wrist Watches in the Medical Field#

Added in version 2021.10.23.

Wrist watches are frowned upon in the medical field due to hygienic reasons.

However in critical emergency situations like cardiopulmonary resuscitation the correct timing is key to achieve the best outcome for the patient. In these situation, provided appropriate desinfection meassures are applied, a mission timer like the Sinn EZM 9 TESTAF is an essential tool. It combines accessibility and simplicity by legibility and accuracy and by that is a great help in stressful and time critical situations.

Sinn EZM 9 TESTAF mission timer during desinfection after caridopulmonary resuscitation. Sinn EZM 9 TESTAF mission timer during desinfection after caridopulmonary resuscitation.
Damasko DC67 Si mounted on a carabin clip on a duty belt. Damasko DC67 Si mounted on a carabin clip on a duty belt.
In "peace time" a wirst watch can safely be mounted on a carabine clip (Grand Seiko SBGE001) In "peace time" a wirst watch can safely be mounted on a carabine clip (Grand Seiko SBGE001)

Fig. 77 Wrist watches on duty in the medical field#